Our history
Nuestra historia

“EFORED” English For Education, es una empresa que nace en Costa Rica en el año 2015, por motivo de la alta demanda y la necesidad del idioma inglés en el país.
“EFORED”, cuenta con todas las herramientas físicas e intelectuales en cuanto a personal y metodología propia basada en el programa: “ENGLISH FOR EVERYONE” que acelera el aprendizaje del idioma inglés en tan solo 12 meses.
A través de la evolución de nuestra metodología hemos hecho presencia a nivel de centro y sur América en los países de Colombia, Ecuador, México, El Salvador, Panamá, Guatemala, República Dominicana, Honduras, Perú y Bolivia por más de 20 años en el mercado.
Nuestra metodología “ENGLISH FOR EVERYONE” se encuentra en un proceso de mejora continua, como método conversacional enfocado en la utilización práctica del idioma a través de imágenes y sonidos, permitiendo la asociación y evitando la traducción; contando con una gran variedad de tutorías para adultos y niños de todas las edades y niveles.
- Responsabilidad
- Integración
- Disciplina
- Lealtad
- Fe
¿Qué dicen nuestros usuarios?
I am a Sales Advisor, EFORED has been an excellent opportunity of growth in my job, during my learning process I have reached a good english level and therefore, have a better performance in my job.
EFORED has been an overcoming tool for me, it allows me to increase the opportunities in all the areas of my Company. I am sure through the different skills reached thanks to EFORED, I will have great benefits for my future, the teaching method of this course, would not be enough without our effort and commitment as they do, now I know that and I feel really grateful with EFORED.
One more time, thank you very much for your patience, your strive and your vocation, I am sure this is not the final, this is the beginning for better things in my life, thanks to you.
Hello, my name is Eilyn Castillo and I am 18 years old, I have studied English in ENGLISH FOR EVERYONE for a year, my experience in the course was very nice, teachers and classmates are very kind people, and I think it is very good that the students can choose their class hours because more people can have the opportunity to study English and work or go to the university at the same time.
We had a lot of funny and interesting classes, personally I really enjoyed the INT and y tried to use a lot the platform Q10 because it was very useful to practice and learn other things.
English was always very difficult to me, when I started the course, I didn't know anything, I think I improved a lot my English skills, the materials and the platform were very useful to me in this prosses because I can have more exercises and support to complete the course and learn more about que lessons and topics.
I think the lessons also helps me a lot to be more extrovertive and interact more whit the people because we have to talk every weeks in the classes, that made me feel surer of myself.
I want to thank my teachers and all the people who patiently helped me, I always will have a lot of memories about this course and all people I met in the process, I always will remember what I learn.

I’m Kevin and I want to write a little about my experience with this course, It all started in a radio advertisement where I heard about the course and I decided to ask for more information, after this I made the decision to enter and thus be able to start this process, in my case I received English from school and high school, however I did not learn enough as I did with your help, thanks to this course I was able to learn a lot and put it into practice, the methodology you use seems very good to me since listening and repeating makes us memorize things in a better way.
From my point of view, I consider that the English language is very important today to have more job opportunities. This was my main motivation to learn English. I also consider that this does not end here since we should continue practicing and continue learning with the resources that technology gives us today and thus be able to increase our levels.
In conclusion, I can say that my process has been a great experience, it has helped me a lot to understand the language, you have given me excellent bases to continue with this process, it is true that it has not been easy, but it not been impossible either, I am aware that the learning process must be constant and we learn new things every day. I trust in God that with this great help I can achieve my goals and opportunities, I'm very grateful to all the tutors who helped me in this process. Thank you so much!

It is a pleasure to greet you, this is my opinion about the English for Everyone program. In this program you learn a lot, it is a good program, it is full of dynamism, the teachers are very attentive and full of ideas to share with us, academically it helps us to understand a lot, the implementation of always speaking in English helps us to acquire and familiarize ourselves with the language in a more natural way.
It has a good learning system because most of the people who are learning the language speak it very well. Obviously, it all works with hard and constant work.
I am very grateful to this program, because I have learned a lot, the level of English they work with is very good, the tutoring they implement every day is great and the availability of schedules they offer makes it even better.
I leave with a lot of knowledge of this program, thank you very much for all your services.

Nuestra filosofía
- Responsabilidad
- Integración
- Disciplina
- Lealtad
- Fe
What we
our Amazing team
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Teléfono: 2101-9172 / 7183-8338 / 7070-8867
Correo: servicioalusuario@eforedcr.com
Dirección: San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Los Yoses, del Starbucks 200 mts este y 50 mts sur, San José, Costa Rica.